How to Prevent Prostate from Getting Enlarged

An enlarged prostate is increasingly becoming a very big concern amongst men specifically in America where it is becoming as common as the common cold. This condi- tion is largely afflicting men in the age group of above 40 years. Here in this article we are going to discuss the steps and precautions one can take to prevent this disease.

Always Stay Hydrated:

A dehydrated body is a home for many diseases including urinary tract infections which can result in prostate prob- lems. So drink a minimum of 8 glasses everyday to keep your body hydrated and minimize chances of getting sick.

Increase Soy Intake: 

Researchers are of the view that one of the causes of an enlarged prostate is the increased ratio of estrogen to testosterone levels. An intake of 2 ounces of soy daily will help bring back the ratio to the normal level.

Avoid Alcohol:

 Alcohol reduces vitamin b6 and zinc levels in the body which are essential for proper functioning of the prostate.

Eat a Healthy Diet:

 Increase intake of fresh fruits and vegetable in your diet which will help the body get necessary antioxidants. Avoid eating junk or processed foods as they are not easy to di- gest and put extra pressure on the digestive system.

Live a Healthy Lifestyle: 

Take sufficient rest and make it a habit to exercise regularly as it will help blood circulation and improve digestive sys- tem functioning and it will also reduce chances of obesity.

The Role of Diet 

 To support prostate health and reduce symptoms of en- larged prostate, try incorporating the following dietary habits: Eat two servings of lycpene-rich fruits and vegetables daily, along with five other fruit and vegetable servings.

The naturally occurring pigment lycopene is found in toma- toes, watermelon, grapefruit, guava, rosehip, and red chilies. Lycopene is a potent carotenoid antioxidant that gives tomatoes and other fruits and vegetables their color. Research suggests that lycopene is more easily absorbed by the body if in cooked tomatoes (like tomato sauce, paste or juice). 

Reduce foods high in saturated fat and cholesterol (such as butter, margarine, red meat and whole milk), fried foods and high-fat salad dressings and sauces. These types of foods can cause hormonal fluctuations in men and increase the occurrence of enlarged prostate. Satu- rated fats also increase the risk of inflammation. 

Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as cold-water fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel), nuts and seeds. Omega 3s help reduce inflammation and promote hormonal bal- ance. Some experts recommend taking up to one table- spoon of flaxseed oil per day Raw pumpkin seeds are also high in zinc, an essential mineral that helps maintain prostate health.

healthy food intake 

Increase intake of soy foods and fortified soy milk, which are a great source of protein. Soy-based foods provide beneficial isoflavones (a phytoestrogen) that help support healthy hormonal balance. Soy can help lower the risk of heart disease, certain cancers and digestive disorders, and hormone-dependent conditions such as enlarged prostate. 

Eat more fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, bran, and flaxseeds. These foods not only improve regularity, but help prevent chronic diseases such as cancer, arthritis, and heart disease. Fiber can help improve regularity, thereby decreasing pressure on the prostate from the lower bowel area.  Consumption of fresh fruits and veggies is a must fol- lowed by a complete shutdown of processed and oily food.

Drink plenty of water as this would hydrate the uri- nary system. The person needs to consume at least ten glasses of water every day as it would help in healing the glands. Cranberry juices have also done wonders to fight the bacteria present at the glands. Men who consume tomatoes, guavas, watermelon, and pink grapefruit have been found to be less likely to con- tract prostate cancer.

All of those foods contain an antiox- idant called lycopene. Lycopene is also available as a sup- plement and is beneficial for the prevention of prostate cancer and may also be helpful in reducing the size of existing tumors. Doctors gave a mixture of both omega-6 (red meat fats) and omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil fats) to men with enlarged prostate for 3 weeks. At the end of the study, all 19 men in the study had improved flow of urine and 12 of the 19 men were in remission from all symptoms of the disease. The equivalent of 2 or 3 eggs a week (and no red meat at all) is probably enough to avoid an omega-6 fatty acid deficiency.  

Men who follow strict vegan diets or who eat fish or take fish oils on a daily basis who are concerned about BPH should have a blood test including a fasting lipid profile measuring the ratio of arachidonic acid (AA) to eicosapen- taenoic acid (EPA). If the AA/EPA ratio is lower than 1.5-a very rare condition in the United States-reducing the con- sumption of fish oils or considering the consumption of meat or sugar is indicated. Men with an AA/EPA ratio below 1.5, however, are extremely unlikely to have BPH. Men with an AA/EPA ratio above 15, on the other hand, are extremely likely to develop BPH. If you eat meat, add 2 or 3 servings of cold-water fish a week or 2-3 grams of pharmaceutical grade fish oil or DHA from microalgae to your diet.

Reduce your consumption of red meat to no more than 1 serving a day and your con- sumption of eggs to no more than 1 a day. Simultaneously reducing omega-6 fatty acid consumption from meat and eggs and increasing omega-3 fatty acid consumption from fish or other sources reduces inflammation in the prostate. Until you have your AA/EPA tested, err on the side of eating too little red meat.

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