Natural Cure for Enlarged Prostate

Normally, a grown man's prostate is the shape of a walnut. An enlarged prostate usually starts to occur as early as when a man is in his 40's. As many as 50% of all men over age 50 will have an enlarged prostate! By the time a man is in his 80's there is a 90% likely hood of having an en- larged prostate if lucky enough to have avoided it up until then. An enlarged prostate can grow to the size of a tan- gerine. Having an enlarged prostate, also known as Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), is not a precursor to cancer.

Natural Remedies 

Prostate shrinking properties are found in a number of herbs and these herbs have been actively used by herbal- ists for thousands of years to treat benign prostatic hyper- plasia. Here, we are going to review some of these herbs which are highly effective in curing an enlarged prostate.

Saw Palmetto:

 Men suffering from prostate enlargement may find that saw palmetto is the place to begin. Saw palmetto has a lengthy history associated with reducing testicular inflam- mation as well as inhibiting the hormone responsible for prostate enlargement.

The medicinal part of 'Serenoa Repens' or the saw pal- metto is derived from the partially dried ripe fruit of the plant.

Stinging Nettle: 

Botanically known as ‘Urtica Dioict’ this herb is a very popular all over Europe to treat prostate enlargement. It is generally used in combination with other herbs like saw palmetto. Although it does not reduce prostate size but it has a strange effect which helps in smooth passage of urine.

African Tree Bark: 

This herb is so widely used in Africa and Europe that it is now on the endangered list; it helps shrink the prostate, improve urinary flow, and relieves the body of any pain in the prostate area. This herb is also used in conjunction with saw palmetto to treat prostate enlargement.

Pumpkin Seeds: 

Pumpkin seeds are an unexpected remedy for shrinking a prostate; these seeds contain zinc which plays an impor- tant role in stopping conversion of prostate hormones. Pumpkin seeds contain high levels of zinc so that a half a cup of seeds contains about eight milligrams of zinc. Studies have clearly shown that taking zinc can literally re- duce the size of an enlarged prostate

Pau d' Arco: 

Pau d'Arco is a natural herb retrieved from the inner bark of the Tabebuia Avellanedae or Tabebuia Impetiginosa, known as taheebo. The taheebo tree is grown predom- inantly in Central and South America, but may also be cultivated in southern Florida.

Red Clover: 

Red clover is a member of the pea family and contains powerful antioxidants that fight off cancerous growths. Red clover aids in inhibiting DHT formation which in turn helps shrink the enlarged prostate


Obtained from the bark of a tree indigenous to Africa, pygeum inhibits the substance that increases DHT, which is associated with prostate enlargement. This is a large evergreen tree that grows in the high plateaus of Southern Africa. The pygeum bark contains three groups of active constituents: phytosterols, the fatty acids ursolic and oleic acids, and ferulic esters of long chain fatty alcohols. Phy- tosterols are also plant sterols that aid in reducing high cholesterol levels.


The chemical that makes peppers hot inhibits the action of NF-kappa Beta, a substance found in cells that causes them to grow excessively. In one study, high concentration of capsaicin stopped the growth of prostate cancer cells. Hot peppers, such as habanero, jalapeno, and Scotch bon- net, are high in antioxidants; they are a good source of vitamins A, C, and E, folic acid, and potassium.

Soy and other legumes: 

Th e reason why the cultures of Japan or China have less percentage of these diseases lies in its high consumption of this legume. Soy is a powerful anti-cancer. Studies in Japan, where people usually eat lots of soup, usually soy- bean, showed that a daily intake of a bowl of soup reduced to 1 / 3 the chance of developing stomach cancer. Also has been found to eat soy or derivatives stops the growth of cancer cells, especially breast, prostate, uterus and colon. The reason for this property is due to the existence of some components called isoflavones and lignans, which


Lycopene as an extract can be found in watermelons, tomatoes and pink grapefruit. It contains antioxidants that may contribute to the reduction of inflammation caused by BPH. Lycopene, a carotenid, found in red or pink plant foods. Lycopene is in the group of nutrients, which in- cludes beta-carotene and lutein. It is best known as "the protector of prostates against cancer", but it also has car- diovascular benefits and it defends against other types of cancer.

Selenium Supplements:    

Selenium is a trace mineral that is essential to good health but required only in small amounts. Some of the foods high in selenium include: poultry, seafood, shellfish, gar- lic, asparagus and cashews.

Alfalfa and Alfalfa Sprouts:

It has been found that another very important legumes in the control of diseases of the prostate is alfalfa. If tradi- tionally used this plant for animal feed, is now believed that its consumption, especially of sprouted sprouts can be very interesting in preventing prostate cancer. Its prop- erties are due to the presence of two isoflavones, called genistein and daidzein, which prevent the formation of cancerous tumors in this organ.


Cabbage and members of the cabbage family, Brussels, cabbage cauliflower, broccoli, turnips, rich in vitamin C, cysteine, and sulforrafano glucosinolates, are more foods that protect us against cancers (mainly breast lung, stom- ach, ovary, prostate and colon) would be appropriate to eat any of these vegetables once a day. The antioxidant properties of this family are considered very interesting for the prevention of many physical illnesses, resulting partic- ularly suitable in the health care of the arteries and heart

In order to guarantee a balanced diet that contains the above food elements, you may try taking food supplements such as PROSTADINE

Inside every drop of "Prostadine" you'll find 100% natural and unique ingredients that are clinically proven to support the health of your prostate and urinary system

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Points to remember when considering either tradi- tional or natural treatment options: 

If you are over age 40 have your physician perform a prostate examination as part of your regular checkup. Maintain a healthy diet which includes plenty of fruits and vegetables and which is low in unsaturated fat, sugar and refined foods

Kegel exercises 

may improve circulation to these tissues. A kegel exercise is performed by pulling up all the muscles around the scrotum and anus. Repeat this movement 10 times, 5-6 times daily.


For many enlarged prostate sufferers a daily hot bath taken for about a month does the trick. Simply sit in a hot bath with water up to your navel for thirty to forty-five minutes and then follow this immediately with a cold bath or show- er.

Vitamin and Mineral Therapy 

Herbal medication con- taining a specific mix of vitamins and minerals can also help with the treatment of an enlarged prostate. The vita-

min and mineral mix, which is taken twice a day, should contain 200 international units of vitamin E, 30 milligrams of zinc, 1 milligram of copper, half a tablespoon of flaxseed oil and 160 milligrams of saw palmetto.


Some Yoga poses can increase the blood flow to your groin and so relieve certain prostate problems. Two poses in particular which will benefit prostate problems are the 'knee squeeze' and the 'seated sun' together with the 'stomach lock'. If you are not familiar with yoga then there are many excellent illustrated books available and you should be able to pick one or two up at your local li- brary without any problem. You should be aware however that it is not advisable to practice the 'stomach lock' if you are suffering from hypertension, hiatal hernia, ulcers or heart disease.

Food Therapy

A diet which is high in zinc has been shown to be beneficial in shrinking an enlarged prostate and so food therapy essentially means following a low fat diet (especially avoiding saturated fats) and including foods which are known to be high is zinc such as flaxseed oil, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds. You can also take a daily zinc supplement.

The benefit of using herbs is that they do not carry any side effects if taken in correct dosage and combination. Our human civilization would have found it difficult to survive the deadly diseases over the ages without the help of all the existing herbs in the Mother Nature.

Here's the secret:

Try this inexpensive remedy that actually works by boosting your body's natural ability to control diabetes.

Be sure to talk with your healthcare professional before making lifestyle changes or trying new supplements— especially if you have problems with prostate or are taking medications.

Explore PROSTADINE here

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